MPI 10.9 released

MPI 10.8 was released today, including a few new support features, reporting improvements, and fixes.

Support features:

  • Back up the database at exit, up to once hourly, daily, and once before opening it with a new version (only for single-user databases).
  • Easily choose a backup and restore it with File > Revert.
  • Include fewer files in Send Database, so the send file is smaller.

Reporting improvements:

  • Add a new blurb type, SType, for the sample type, with several possible values beginning with #, and default text for each blurb. Referenced it in the default SH blurb. Allows the sample type to show on each report.
  • Support placing graphs inside a frame in the Physician Sample Report template. You can create text frames using Insert > Text Frame from the context menu in the template editor.
  • Support displaying the race display name (rather than code) on reports, using the ~race_name~ placeholder.

Bug fixes and other small improvements:

  • FDS risk cutoff settings should cascade.
  • Fix Fit to Single Page when graphs are included.

This release is a recommended but optional update. Download the update installer here.

MPI 10.8 released

MPI 10.8 was released today, including a few new features, speedups, and fixes.

Workflow improvements:

  • Allow separate folders for LIMS input and output
  • Add FamilyFDSHistory, IsIVF and IsDonorEgg fields to LIMS
  • Add afp_only_ontd setting for when AFP-only means ONTD-only
  • Export Blurbs to CSV
  • Select samples by type
  • Mark Not Ready if any MoMs can’t be computed, with setting require_mom, defaulting on
  • Customize the display sort order of markers in more places
  • Hotkeys for moving focus in Patients view

Reporting improvements:

  • Include T13 in High Risks report

Bug fixes and other small improvements:

  • Speed up opening, closing, and updating records in network databases
  • Speed up operations on all samples in Sample View
  • Fix: Graph layout issues in reports
  • Fix: Amnio samples missing on the Tally Chart

This release is a recommended but optional update. Download the update installer here.

MPI 10.7 released

MPI 10.7 was released today, including many new features.

Features related directly to screening:

  • Adjust a priori FDS risk if patient has history of FDS pregnancy or birth
  • Second Samples Due report, to help providers schedule repeat appointments for integrated screening
  • Add “Medians to use” option in Weight Regression, so you can compare the effect of changing medians
  • Fully support kilograms for weight
  • Add Nasal Bone fields to the LIMS spec
  • Incorporate tweak to Morris age risk formula

Workflow improvements:

  • Connect sample sets to the global Select Patients dialog, so you can report on samples in a set, create sets from other selections, etc.
  • Preview the contents of LIMS import files before importing
  • Optionally archive records after finishing a sample set (see archive_after_finish in Tailoring)
  • auto_center tailoring setting to assign auto-created sonographers to a default center
  • If a sample isn’t ready to report, show the reason in the Patients dialog
  • Allow recalculating ranges of samples via Validate and allow_validate_save.

Reporting improvements:

  • Updated reporting library for better graphics
  • Changed default Physician Sample Report font to improve layout
  • Add age risk to graphs
  • Specify the sort order of markers, in the Markers view
  • Add ~ga<weeks>date~ macro and make macros available within blurbs
  • Instantiate Amended blurbs like other blurbs.

Bug fixes and other small improvements:

  • Spell Check in all rich text boxes
  • Improved diagnostic info when there are network permission issues
  • Auto-logout option (logout_min and logout_change settings)
  • Change LEDs on the Dashboard to check boxes
  • Show the markers supported by each parameter set
  • Restoring from archives should restore sample record IDs; better default sample set names
  • Fix: Sample results lose their scroll bars
  • Fix: Exception handling in File > Migrate
  • Fix: Categorization bug in Tally Chart report
  • Fix: Menu items enabled when no database is open
  • Fix: Send Database doesn’t signal when it’s finished
  • Fix: Median updates don’t affect patients until a refresh.

This release is a recommended but optional update. Download the update installer here.

MPI 10.6 released

MPI 10.6 was released today, including three small new features:

  • Support for copying and pasting median data from the clipboard, in CSV format.
  • Tools for entering maternal age and converting to a notional birth date for use in calculations.
  • A sample LIMS import file in the demonstration database.

Some small bugs were also fixed from 10.5, notably in the sample set name reported after pressing the Finish button in the Samples view.

It’s an optional update. Download the update installer here.

MPI 10.5 released

MPI 10.5 was released today, including two new features:

  • Support for Sample Sets, an enhancement to workflow for both automatic import via the LIMS interface and manual data entry. Organizing samples into sets is particularly helpful when MPI is used by multiple users simultaneously, but can also improve documentation for single-user installations.
  • A report listing the text of all blurbs.

It’s an optional update, but particularly recommended for users who use LIMS. Download the update installer here.

MPI 10.3 released

MPI 10.3 was released today, including these changes:

  • Add separate MoM factors and blurbs for donor vs. maternal egg IVF. See documentation for full details.
  • Add a Databases view to show all recently-opened databases when no database is open. This is particularly helpful for setting up new users on a shared workstation.
  • Break out median calculation by smoking status, so you can explore the effect of smoking on medians and compute your own smoking factor.
  • Separate the sense of the PE blurb, so that blurb PX is now produced for samples dated via physical exam, while PE still refers to a subcategory of Down Syndrome screening outcomes. If you used the PE blurb to indicate dating by physical exam before, check that the PX blurb is created correctly after installation. Contact RMA if you need assistance.
  • Add Fit to Page on the Ready Samples view, for conveniently controlling that option for a batch of reports.
  • Bug fixes throughout the product.

It’s recommended for all users, but not urgent for regular use. Download the update installer here.

MPI 10.2.5 released

MPI 10.2.5 was released today, including:

  • Add File > Import and Export to/from CSV files.
  • Add LIMS Export Selected to the Ready Samples view.
  • Added fields to LIMS interface: Smoker, ReportAsFirst, and IsIVF.
  • Added Daily Medians report from prior versions.
  • Bug fixes and speedups for NT median computation and support for various unusual import/export cases.

It’s recommended for all users, but not urgent for regular use. Download the update installer here.